For Students - Writing Tutorials

(in-person or online)

What we offer:

Free tutorial sessions (up to 50 minutes long)
* Trained peer writing tutors
* Personalized attention to your specific needs
* Check the calendar on ACORN for available appointments called "Writing Tutorial"
* Choose a timeslot that works best for you – and then you'll meet with your tutor, either in-person at our office in the Library, or online using the Microsoft Teams app
      (they will email you a link a few minutes before your session is scheduled to start)
* OR you can just come by to see if a tutor is free – we take drop-ins

What to bring to a tutorial:

A sample of your writing
* This is not always necessary, but will help the tutor help you
* You can bring a draft of your assignment, or a paper that's already been graded. Best is to bring a printout of your work, rather than something on a screen (as this is easier to work with).

Information about the assignment
* Any instructions that your professor handed out to the class

Your questions, comments, and concerns
* Writing tutorials require your participation
* The more engaged you are, the more you'll get out of them

What we cannot offer:

Tutors cannot write, edit, or proofread your work for you
* Tutors will teach you how to self-edit your work, so you can become a successful writer
* Besides, too much help would be unethical and would violate Acadia's policy on academic integrity

Tutors cannot explain course-specific content
* Speak with your professor or teaching assistant, or visit the Acadia Tutoring Service

For additional information:

Take a look at our FAQs.

Need to cancel?

If you need to cancel your appointment, please log back in to ACORN and delete your booking (click here to do this). Whenever possible, provide 24 hours notice so that your appointment can be made available to someone else.

Please note that a student who fails to show up for 2 booked appointments — time another student could have used — will have their access to the tutorial service suspended. They will need to contact the Coordinator and apologize profusely for the suspension to be lifted.